Seekbar and playback of songs doesn't work properly

Issue description:

When playing a song sometimes the seekbar starts at the middle of the song or at 49 seconds and, after a while that the song is playing, it will randomly stop


Upload description: Mirito

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:


  1. Select a song
  2. Observe if the seekbar goes to 49 seconds or at the middle of the Song
  3. The song after a while will stop playing and it will skip to the next song

Media provider:





You have disabled the option prefer internal decoder in the settings.

This means that it’s your phone that decode those files and it does not work well.

2024-12-06 22:51:51.726 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 0, 16253298746, 16253177922, 97391548662, 360448, 327680
2024-12-06 22:51:51.735 Error ExoPlayer  audioTrackUnderrun [eventTime=841.44, mediaPos=7.43, window=0, period=0, 40000000, -9223372036854775807, 238]
2024-12-06 22:51:51.736 Verbose ExoPlayer  audioTrackReleased [eventTime=841.44, mediaPos=15.60, window=0, period=0, 10,12,44100,false,true,40000000]
2024-12-06 22:51:51.738 Verbose ExoPlayer  loading [eventTime=841.44, mediaPos=15.60, window=0, period=0, false]
2024-12-06 22:51:52.081 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 13671, 16253684514, 16253682744, 97391858662, 2195456, 2162688
2024-12-06 22:51:52.583 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 35721, 16254185704, 16254185300, 97392358662, 2195456, 2162688
2024-12-06 22:51:53.088 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 58212, 16254690862, 16254690300, 97392868662, 2195456, 2162688
2024-12-06 22:51:53.589 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 80262, 16255191750, 16255191170, 97393368662, 2195456, 2162688
2024-12-06 22:51:54.093 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 102312, 16255695921, 16255693565, 97393868662, 2195456, 2162688
2024-12-06 22:51:54.592 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 124362, 16256194887, 16256193574, 97394368662, 2195456, 2162688
2024-12-06 22:51:55.092 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 146412, 16256694469, 16256693667, 97394868662, 2195456, 2162688
2024-12-06 22:51:55.603 Verbose ExoPlayer  DefaultAudioSink - Spurious audio timestamp (frame position mismatch): 168903, 16257205827, 16257203773, 97395378662, 2195456, 2162688

Please enable the option back as per it’s default.

Thanks, now it works correctly!