Feature description:
I would like to suggest having a “scroll to top” action available in the lists.
My suggestion would be to place this icon in the top right bar (the one that hides when you scroll down), or having a setting to enable it (like the setting for the search).
Problem solved:
The app uses this pattern where usually a toolbox (filter, sorting, search, display mode, etc) is at the top of a page (and sometimes some other info) and a list of items is displayed below that.
Sometimes I find myself scrolling down my long lists of artists, albums, tracks, etc, and then I have the need to go back and use this toolbox, and the only way to do that is by scrolling up until I get a finger cramp
Brought benefits:
Quick way to scroll to the top of a list.
Other application solutions:
Additional description and context:
Screenshots / Mockup: