Saving LMS Shared playlist fails silently

Issue description:

With 3.62.0 LMS introducted the ability to import m3u/m3u8 playlists. These playlists are saved as shared/public and therefore can’t be edited.
In Symfonium I’m able to import the playlists, edit them, but if I try and sync them the action fails silently whilst LMS generates the reply:
code = 70, msg = 'The requested data was not found.'
I assume because it’s not found in the private playlist space.

In addition to providing feedback from a failed save, it would be nice if a non-updateable playlist was automatically imported ‘Read only’ and if there was a way to identify these from the playlist screen; perhaps they could be optionally grouped by provider,status.

I believe the following attributes returned by the getPlaylist call can be used to identify a read-only playlist:

owner: "user"
public: false


Upload description: simbun

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:



Media provider:




@itm what did you broke again ? :stuck_out_tongue:

And there’s no notion of readonly playlists in OpenSubsonic.

These playlists are returned with public attribute set to true + no owner : playlist | OpenSubsonic
A user is not able to modify a playlist that they don’t own

It’s nowhere documented that no owner = read only.

And in that case the proper error is probably error 50 then no ?

Yes 50 is better for that case, will change the returned error.
From lms perspective, you are not allowed to change a playlist you don’t own. Since nobody owns it and nobody has rights to change it well it sounded more logical to set it ownerless rather than assigning it to a fake non existing owner.

A playlist can be owned by someone else and still be worldwide editable, I don’t think it’s anywhere stated otherwise and so up to server decision and so can’t be assumed by the client.

Anyway I’ll handle better those error codes.

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