Save initial order in playback state for shuffled queues

Issue description:

Hi, i discovered a problem. Im not sure what is causing it but i managed to reproduce it and upload log in this url Symfonium: Secure file sharing with this name

About the issue: when i play a playlist A, shuffle order to random then shuffle back, it reverts list order as initial playlist A, it works as expected OK. But when i use the app, close it, open it again etc, play another playlist B get back to playlist A (which was already shuffled to random) and remove shuffle to put list back like initial playlist A, it stays shuffled so i can’t get initial order of playlist A back

It’s annoying because sometime i like to play random music, but when i have a song a like, i want to play the song of same artists (which was next to this song in initial order) but when this bug occurs, i can’t get my playlist A initial order.

Thanks, i hope you will find a solution.



Upload description: biji1

Additional information:

It’s caused by having a playlist played with shuffle random on, then switching playlist, then disable shuffle random. See screenshot1, list is ok, i did steps to reproduce then screenshot2 is list that has the first random shuffle as “not shuffle” but it is not the initial ordered list of the playlist

Reproduction steps:

Play a playlist A, set in shuffle random, play another playlist B, play back playlist A, remove shuffle. List is now unordered

Media provider:





Ok so this is a not so common need and not possible for now due to how the queues are saved.

Marking this as feature request, but it won’t be high priority sorry.

alright thanks for your response