Restore Local Favorites

Issue description:

Been trying to figure this out for awhile now, but to avoid losing my local favorites when going between different roms and now to a new device, I’ve been using Swift Backup with root to restore my data.

I’ve tried using the built-in feature but favorites isn’t apart of the backup file and I tried to use the import user data to .json file but I guess that’s not restorable? What’s my next best option here? I planned to just add all the songs to a playlist and import them that way, but why or what am I missing to import your favorites?

Thank you! :pray:

Edit: Messed around more and found the smart playlists for favorites, imported that and went to restore it but it’s empty?

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Duplicate of a few, for the moment user data restoration is not yet implemented as too many edge cases due to the multi provider support.

It’s still planned and hopefully before the end of the year.


Thanks :+1:

I tried searching all the threads with at least 6 different words that I could think of, wasn’t able to find any, sorry for being a duplicate.

Besides that, Symfonium has to be the greatest music app I’ve ever used in my 14 years of using Android, keep up the awesome work!

Cheers :beers:

Glad I’m not the only one…

Got a new phone last week. Backup and restore of Symfonium worked fine except for my Favorites playlist. I tried exporting just the playlist but got an empty playlist.

I took a lot of time hitting that little heart button listening to music while stuck in traffic and want that playlist back. LOL! I see it’s not happening now.

@Tolriq - I hope the user data restoration implementation happens before my next phone upgrade. :smile: +1 the feature from me.

OK, I’ve got quite typing now and start pushing hearts…

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@Tolriq is there a config file or db file I can copy off my old phone before I permanently wipe it?

Export user data from the app if you want to read it.

And if he phone is rooted backup all, but there’s not a single thing to backup.

No, not rooted.
But I don’t understand.
I didn’t see an option to export user data. I did the backup and restore, but the Favorites playlist didn’t move along with that. That Favorites playlist is the ONLY thing I care about. Everything else is fine running default with the server info filled in manually.

You mix things, smart playlists are empty, they are calculated from your content, so the important data is your content data not the playlists.

As said it’s not backuped yet, if you use a server then it’s your server that does not support favorites, if it would then there would be no issue, maybe use a server that does support everything you want to use, as it’s always better for multiple clients that having the data only on the clients.

The export user data is in advanced settings, and it’s just a JSON file so that you have the data and can do something with it, it’s not done for restoration.

Understood, but the smart playlist was populated then empty after backup/restore of data to the new phone. Yes, you’ve stated it doesn’t include user data. Thus the smart playlist comprised of metadata by clicking the heart in in AndroidAuto while listening to a song is stored locally and that’s what I wanted to copy over since time and effort was put into making that list. Since it wasn’t auto-created but by my manual input, it’s not really a smart playlist.

Plex supports… but named differently. Turns out I never noticed that when I imported playlists from my Plex server that all the smart playlists are listed separately all the way at the bottom and need to be imported separately. My problem is indirectly solved now. I’ve now imported my “:heart: Tracks” and have a list double the size of what I had tagged into Symfonium. It’s not feasible to edit this while driving, but it is better to manage it on my Plex server in the future. It would be nice to have a mapping feature to map the Plex smart playlist to the “hearted” playlist in Symphonium and a way for that hearted list to update my Plex smart list (indirectly by adding 5 stars rating to the song in Plex) as it would be an easy way to add new songs to the favorites list while driving. (I really only use Symfonium to listen to music while driving.) Possible feature request here for you to consider.

Overall I’m good. No complaints. Very happy with the program. Thanks.

It’s already there. Edit your provider and select favorite as rating. @bcurran3

Thank you. I will delve into it later and report back.

One suggestion is to mention somewhere prominent on the backups page that local favorites are stored separately and will likely want to be backed up as well. I lost my favorites data and only realized why after digging around the settings a bit more.

Edit: Jellyfin user, so reading more, I do understand that the .json file would be more of a guide on prior ratings than a restoration of said ratings