Replay gain not apply to songs testing

Issue description:

Testing 3 versions of the same song. two with tagged gains and one with applied gain to the file. -12.11 gain, -20.11, Applied gain file.
Pixel 7 Phone.
Testing though phone built-in speakers,
The only file with a lower volume is the altered file with applied gain playing though plex and emby server.
Logs show that the gain information is being sent to the phone.


Upload description:

Additional information:

plex and emby server:
Original Song Gain tags from foobar2000
track gain = -12.11
track peak = 1.496240
album gain = -12.11
album peak = 1.496240

uploaded additional log
Name = cremonies1
restarted song each time settings were changed.

  1. Gain setting = OFF:
    1a. plex server
    1b. emby server.
  2. gain setting = ON
    2a. plex server
    2b. emby server.
  3. Cache Playlist to test if streaming causes issue.

Reproduction steps:

Test 1: Plex/Emby Server

  1. Create 3 copies of song and change names to indicate difference.
  2. Use Foobar2000 to change Gain values.
    2a. Tag gain -12.11 (Future Rock - Reaching New Heitz)
    2b. Tag gain -20.00 (Future Rock - Reaching New Heitz Low)
    2c. Song file altered with -12.11 gain (Future Rock - Reaching New Heitz applied)
  3. Load songs onto server.
  4. Plex and Emby scan same media folder.
  5. Connect Sym to Emby.
    4a. play each song with gain setting on/off.
  6. Connect Sym to Plex.
    5a. play each song with gain setting on/off.
  7. Repeated steps after caching files.

Syn gain on/off had no effect on all songs played on emby or plex server.
All songs played from Plex server were louder than Emby server.
“Future Rock - Reaching New Heitz applied.mp3” volume was lower on emby and plex server.

Test 2: Navidrome Demo server

  1. Free to test server from Navidrome website.
  2. Found random Song that had gain tags to test.
  3. Connect Sym to server.
  4. Play Song with Sym Gain OFF/ON.

Result: Noticeable difference in volume.

Media provider:

Navidrome Demo



Please better explain your use case and the logs.

You say you don’t hear change then say you hear changes in some cases.
You also have playback cache enabled so if you change tags for cached media some won’t be taken in account.

I have updated the information and procedure to reproduce. I am trying to determine why the same songs on my server are louder when Sym is connected to Plex vs Emby. Also trying to determining if Replay gain is working for me.
It started when i noticed playing though android auto was very loud with the volume turned down low. Removed this factor to determine if playing though phone speaker worked as intended.

Cache was originally turned off. I turned it on to determine if that would change the results.

Whatever you need from me I will help.

So to resume you have just a Plex issue with RG.

Upload logs playing from Plex with RG on and without playback cache.

Originally thought I had issue with emby and plex while testing last night. I needed to test with bluetooth headphones at work.
Result: Emby works. Plex does not work.

Plex is sending its own gain tags that are different from the values I have listed. I have plex “Analyze audio tracks for loudness” turned on.
I removed the file from plex and added it again to remove the plex gain tags.
Log name = plexgainoff

ran the plex Analyze audio tracks for loudness.
log name = plexgainon

Both sound equally loud.

Additional Note: it is taking long time to play song from plex now with this testing.
I am seeing multiple downloads of the same song stalling from the plex dashboard.

In those logs, Plex seems to remove all the tag data so Symfonium does not have the data to apply the RG.

that is just great… whole reason i use plex is for the web browser to easily create playlist but hate plexamp.
Isolated to me or global issue?
maybe they updated API?
Do you think capturing plex’s could work?
[{“albumGain”:“-12.09”,“albumPeak”:“1.000000”,“albumRange”:“3.810352”,“audioChannelLayout”:“stereo”,“bitrate”:128,“channels”:2,“codec”:“mp3”,“displayTitle”:“MP3 (Stereo)”,“extendedDisplayTitle”:“MP3 (Stereo)”,“gain”:“-12.09”,“id”:“71614”,“index”:0,“loudness”:“-5.91”,“lra”:“3.81”,“peak”:“1.000000”,“samplingRate”:44100,“selected”:true,“streamType”:2,“location”:“direct”}]}]}]}]}}

I need to test what they change (if) but it’s not API it’s behavior change.

And no currently I rely on the tags in the file as it works for everything and every case including fully offline. There’s also some missing parts in ExoPlayer to easily pass external values.