I added the “Recently Added Artists” row to the homescreen when installing Symfonium. It has never updated the artists in that row even though I’ve added many artists that were not previously in my collection.
Upload description: Bigmack3000
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Reproduction steps:
Set up recently added artists.
Add new artists.
Update sync and see if recently added artists changes.
So if I’m using LMS, it doesn’t take an accurste note of when I add a new artist?
For instance, I added The Steeldrivers within the last week. They don’t show up on the front page. If I click more artists. They’re not in the top 100 of that screen, but somewhere within the list kf 1000 artists on that page.
There’s no way to get a more accurate listing of when an artist was added?
No as said this does not exist at the API level. LMS probably have the info internally but I can’t get it.
I could probably cheat some value extracted from the songs or the albums, but it would not really be accurate and complex to handle all the cases of artists, composers and album artists.
@itm do you have the value stored? Care to make a PR for OpenSubsonic ?
Well lms just has the info for each track (“added” in library + “last modified” on disk)
On lms UI, displaying latest added artists is done using joins on tracks and artist roles.
So this may be questionable. If you have an artist for a long time and add their new album, it will be displayed as a recently added artist. Actually this is more a recently modified artist.
I’m using LMS as well, and I’ve noticed that the ‘Recently Added Artists’ list seems to be sorted by the oldest artists first.
When I open the full list, the artists added during the initial scan appear at the top, while the newest ones are at the bottom. That’s why the newer artists don’t appear on the home screen. Maybe LMS could reverse the order of the list it sends to fix this?