I have two files in my library, one mp3, one opus. Both are tagged the same way with album, artist, album artist, title, date and a rating. However the rating is only displayed for the mp3 file, not for the opus file.
Steps for reproduction:
create a music folder that holds only 2 files, one .opus, one mp3 file
add a local media source for that folder
synchronize media
to into titles view of the library, check info for each file, examine rating
for mp3 file rating is displayed, for .opus file it is not displayed
I am actually stupid. Thank you very much! I misunderstood the answer the first time,but now I know how to deal with it!
Also I think the app considers rating from 1-5, so 80 will be 4, 30 will be 1, but it seems to do this for all the files, if the ratings fall into a 1-100 range. So I can just alter the tagging in my library on PC side and multiply all ratings by 20.
either provide a configuration where users can enter the scale they want to use (0-100, 0-10, 0-5, 0-3)
or scan the library and try to determine scale automatically based on values (if only values equal or lower 5 consider 0-5, values above 5 but maximum 10, consider 0-10 scale, anything above encountered, consider 0-100 scale)
or note the maxvalue encountered by a scan and use that for a scale (this could lead to arbitrary rating systems with 0-maxvalue, for example 0-20, or 0-8 …)