Feature description:
Ability to (easily/quickly) create a decade mix from multiple genres.
What I’m looking for is a quick way to generate a mix that combines a given decade with multiple genres; adding the special magic found in personal mixes is also acceptable.
As an example: create a mix with three genres and one decade.
What I suggest as feature is:
00- Go to Genres
01- Select/hold the first genre you want to enter selection mode
02- Select second genre
03- Select third genre
04- Click a button from the selection toolbar to prompt you for a decade (similar to the decade mix prompt)
05- Select decade and play! (this will generate the tracks and add them to the player)
Problem solved:
I know this is already possible using smart playlists, but there are so many steps involved.
Example for creating a smart playlist with the same example mentioned above:
00- Go to playlists
01- Click Create song smart playlist
02- Click Add role group
03- Select Any for the role group
04- Click Add rule
05- Select Genre field
06- Click the three dots button
07- Select a genre
08- Click Save
09-13 Repeat steps 04 to 08 two more times for the other genres
14-18 Repeat steps 04 to 08 one more time to specify year start and year end
19- Save playlist
20- Play!
Example for editing an existing smart playlist:
00- Go to playlists
01- Click Edit song smart playlist
02- Click one of the Genres
03- Click the three dots button
04- Select a new genre
05- Click Save
06-08 Repeat steps 02 to 04 two more times for the other genres
09-11 Repeat steps 02 to 04 to specify new decade
12- Save
13- Play!
Brought benefits:
This feature will offer less than half of the steps required to edit an existing smart playlist, and a fourth of steps required to create a new one; it would also save you from thinking/understanding how smart playlists work:
- You don’t need to know about what fields to choose
- You don’t need to worry about setting up role groups and proper match values
- You don’t need to specify a year range
- You don’t need to do repetitive steps
Other application solutions:
Additional description and context:
I have several genres in my collection and some of them are subcategories of the most common genres, and I usually create my own “Decade mixes” using smart playlists and combining genres and years, but I got to a point where I realized that I’m doing a lot of repetitive steps everytime a new decade mix comes to my mind. This would save a lot of time and hassle.
Screenshots / Mockup: