Feature description:
I want a feature where in Now playing screen if I swipe the screen right side the queue will be shown and if swipe left right side my past listening history will be shown !! And If I swipe from bottom up the lyrics will be shown.
Problem solved:
I will be able to view my Queue list very quickly and also edit it very smoothly!!
Brought benefits:
Queue editing will be possible very quickly and also lyrics can be seen quickly instead of selecting the button of lyrics on the album art !!
Other application solutions:
This queue thing has been implemented on Qobuz and its very cool and the lyrics feature of swiping from bottom up for Lyrics is implemented on Poweramp !!
Additional description and context:
First I’ve put a ss of the player on Qobuz , normal player then the 2nd ss is of swiping right side and watching the queue , then 3rd ss is of watching the History, Listening History.
Screenshots / Mockup: