Prohibit original quality/downloading for specific wifi

Feature description:

symfonium allows download/original quality streaming only on specific WiFi or the other way round: Prohibits it for specific WiFi.

Problem solved:

I just had my mobile data usage go through the roof in a Few days only (10 GB in like 3-4 days) caused by symfonium only. i rechecked my settings to See what was causing it.

maximum Bitrate while on mobile data is 128 kbps. downloads are only allowed with WiFi Connection. Playback Cache is saved to rotating Cache but i checked that and that only Accounts for 800 MB.

what i suspect might be causing it is my Android Auto wireless dongle. this one connects to my Phone via WiFi. i fear that symfonium sees this WiFi Connection and starts streaming original flac files from my Server instead of using the offline Cache or the transcoding setting for mobile data.

is There any way to Prohibit symfonium treating this “WiFi” Connection as proper WiFi, so it still uses the offline cache/transcoding? the only i can think of right now is to create the Library twice, one for home use and one for away use. while being at home, of course i want to have the files streamed in original quality.

Brought benefits:

symfonium Downloads too much data even when using mobile data because it thinks it is connected to a WiFi.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


This is not possible thanks to Google who decided that getting the SSID requires precise location permission. This is not a proper permission for a music app.

Without logs it’s hard to tell what happens.

You can use tools like Tasker or Automate and the API Symfonium API (Allow control from other apps like tasker) to change the wifi transcode value depending on the active wifi connection to workaround this.

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thanks for your Feedback. thanks Google then… will have a Look at your Suggestion.

Well in defense of google with an ssid you can find out where a person is so the location permission makes sense.

An SSID named Gamebreaker is definitely not a precise location :wink: It should have been a different specific permission as their usage is quite useful.


On this website i searched a neighbors wifi name and on the whole world it knew instantly that it is in germany → munic and even the correct street.

  1. Type on the right side the wifi name and try to limit the date range to the last few years.
  2. Zoom out to see the whole world and look out for purple dots.
  3. Zoom in on the purple dots and look where the wifi is.

I get that the usage would be useful.
@Tolriq can’t you make it like the Option “Automatic actions” → “Bluetooth auto play” that only asks for the permission if i try to use the option? (I don’t know if it makes a difference for the google review process)

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If people are educated to this it’s not really an issue.

Anyway the permission is visible on Play Store, when you check a music app that have precise location permission listed you don’t install it.

So just trying to go to the easy but inconvenient way first for now. i setup my source twice: once to my local IP for use in my home Network and once to my public Domain for use when I am away. when I am at home it now Shows every title, every Album and every artist twice. is There any way to Tell symfonium to only use source B when Not at home? i can Set source A of course to Not be shown when its Not available. is There any way to make source B only appear when I need it? i was thinking about sth like “only Show when Connected with a WiFi” (as i am Most likely to never use any WiFi besides my home WiFi) but this again will enable it when I am Connected to that Android Auto dongle WiFi…

or can you Tell symfonium to combine two titles/albums/libraries from different libraries that are basically the same? symfonium recognizes that its the same files as it Shows the offline Cache Status of Cached files no matter the Library.

I don’t see how having 2 libraries will change anything to your issue.

Back to the original problem can Symphonium detect if the wifi connection or the mobile connection provides the internet?

For me it reads like the Android auto wifi doesn’t provide the internet only communication to the car.

@jk31 as a temporary fix you could disable mobile data while connected to your cars wifi.

As always and always :wink:

@samee have you read my actual problem this post is about? i know how to setup my source so that i can connect through the local IP at home and through a public domain while away. this is not the problem

@gamebeaker yes exactly. the WiFi is only necessary to connect my phone with the android auto dongle, as my car only supports wired android auto connections. this wifi does not provide any internet, so my phone uses mobile data while connected to this.
disabline mobile data is not an option unfortunately as then other stuff (especially google maps) is not available anymore.

@Tolriq I try to purposely set this up again and then provide logs. as I have never done that before, how can I access and share the logs?

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was able to reproduce my issue today. it really seems like the wifi is causing it and now that I have used up my monthly mobile data volume, I felt it instantly as an offline cached audio track was not playing because it couldnt load the flac file from my server. once I disabled “prefer server version on wifi”, the track played instantly.

i uploaded my log file through the app. it’s attached to my username. check 16:20 today (GMT+1), this is when I tried to play a track with “prefer server version on wifi” enabled.

I have uploaded

From the logs you have disabled the option “Only consider primary connection for wifi status” … (Settings/Offline …/ General)

So it works as expected you have a wifi connection. Check back that option that is enabled by default ?

I disabled that for testing purposes. Originally it was enabled. I can enable it again and test again and then upload logs again if that helps. The result was/should be the same.

Yes provide logs, logs don’t forget settings, and they show the only active connection was mobile so it could not have use wifi for the case present in the logs.

interesting. you have an idea why symfonium not unable to play the track at first and only did so when I disabled the “prefer server version on wifi" option?

thanks for your support, really appreciated!

Read ?

Because you disabled the option that only consider the active connection and so the non active Wifi connection was seen as connected to wifi as expected and since you have the option prefer server version on wifi it does try to connect to server since on wifi.

Everything works as expected here with the logs provided and the settings you use.

I uploaded another log this morning.

I checked my phone ca. 8:04 (GMT+1) and it showed it was playing a FLAC file while was in my car. I have not downloaded any FLAC files meaning if this was not just a display error and Symfonium really played a FLAC file, it must have streamed it from my home server.