Portable license / license file or code / purchase outside Google Play?

Very nice app!

When I was writing this post, something unexpected happened.
I am just going to purchase a license but the purchase card disappeared after I made an update through Google Play. Possibly it is updated to a beta version, idk?
There is a card saying that it’s a beta version in settings and the version info is 1.4.0(618).

Then back to the main topic.

Please consider adding another license method not tied to Google Play and Google account, e.g. license code / file, with purchase method out Google Play.

There are many possible situations that would be trouble or even not be able to use Google Play. Licensing and purchase methods that are not tied to Google could solve this.

It’s impossible that it says that it’s a beta version and 1.4.0 at the same time :slight_smile: Please show a screenshot.
What happens is that on each update there’s an automatic extension of the trial to allows users to see if the missing feature or the bug they reported was fixed.

About purchase outside of Play Store this is forbidden by Google and I’d risk my account, until laws force Google to not do that it’s way too risky.

screenshot sent in PM

This is a version installed from Play Store?

yes, and updated through Google Play store yesterday or two days ago…

Ok so there was a WTF issue and Play Store distribute a beta APK :frowning:

About the purchase button, it will be back after the trial expanding finished and licence is checked.

I am also confused but it doesn’t hurt so far…

About the trial, there is no card about trial and purchase, so I am not able to know when the trial ends…

Looks like there is not likely to have license and purchase method outside Google Play. But let me just make some explanation…

While you mentioned “purchase outside of Play Store this is forbidden by Google”, what about license, is it also forbidden?

If it’s truly forbidden, I will never ask you to take any risk to violate the terms.
Though I am not familiar with the terms, I do know some apps on Google Play that seem to have license and purchase method outside Google Play.

Microsoft Office has license not linked to Google but Microsoft accounts or in other ways, e.g. Microsoft 365 subscription, which is also be able to purchase and pay outside Google.
Does this means license not linked to Google is permited?

Also, many online games have top-up methods outside Google Play, e.g. a very popular one Genshin.

The rules very strict and more since June 1st.

There’s some very rare exceptions for things that can be used outside of the app and physical goods.

None applies to apps like this one.

Some details Understanding Google Play’s Payments policy - Play Console Help

I do understand and I not asking for it anymore.

But by the way, if I have an app listed in both Google Play and some open app stores like f-droid, is payment outside Google allowed (even only for the f-droid version)?

You can only if there’s no way to access it from anywhere accessible from the play store version.

This means this forum and the website could not have a link to it.

So tons of work for 3 users :slight_smile: