Plex - Favorites/Ratings for smart playlists

If I’ve rated a track with 5 stars in Plex and try to create a smart playlist what rule will include it in the playlist? I’ve tried using Favorite, Rating and User Rating but I can’t seem to get the playlist to populate. I am trying to move over from Subsonic and I can create a playlist using that library with the Favorite rule with out issue. I’m sure there is something simple that I’m missing here!

It’s the user rating if you rate manually, but you need to start a sync to get the rating in Symfonium, Plex does not offer differential sync on those changes, so Symfonium can’t detect the need to sync.

Great I tried user rating again and this time instead of setting the value to 5 I set it to greater than 0 and it populates now. Appreciate the help! Keep up the great work. Love this app.

The values are normalized to 10 to work for all media providers.

So 5 stars is 10 is you want a precise filter on that.

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