Playlist/Queue: Remove complete album/artist for selected track

Feature description:

If a song is selected in a playlist / current queue, that song and all songs of the same album/artist can be removed at once (“Remove Album” / “Remove Artist”)

Problem solved:

Having to select all songs of an album/artist (which may have been added to a playlist inadvertently) individually to remove them which is especially cumbersome in shuffled playlists / queue.

Brought benefits:

Save time and trouble removing a whole album/artist from, e.g., a shuffled playlist.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


Sorry but this is way too niche and specific need, then why not remove songs with any random number of parameters.

Exactly why not?

Lyrion Music Server (formerly Logitech Music Server) implements this and it’s awesome:

(Remove Album / Remove CD)

Use case: You are playing an artist’s discography but want to remove individual albums (e.g., live albums).