Playing a song in a playlist on Android Auto only queues that one song

Issue description:

In Android Auto, when I select a specific song to play from a playlist, it only queues up that one song, instead of the rest of the playlist.

This is in contrast to the regular app on my phone, where it queues up the rest of the playlist after a song is selected.


Upload description: PudnigAA

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:


  1. Connect phone to Android Auto
  2. Navigate to a playlist
  3. Select a song from a playlist to play
  4. Switch to the Queue view top right
  5. It only contains that one song

Media provider:




Yes this is due to limitations with Android Auto.

Since I can’t pass the whole actual content of the playlist at the moment you click, if the playlist is sorted by random or a few other case then I would not be able to start the proper song.