Samsung Galaxy S9+ when playing back local media the files speed up and slow down randomly, but especially at the beginning of the files. It’s not particular files, It’s seemingly randomly occurring on all files. It’s very distracting and had to switch to a different player. I don’t know if this is a trial “feature” because I’ve seen another app that was supposed to change playback speed to try and force you to buy it.
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Screenshot 1 shows a comparison of the playback from the phone on top vs. the source file.
Actually, I just had a thought, I think “remove silence” might be on, but then this is weird behaviour for it to remove silence from “inside” a file, at least silence shorter than say, 5-10 seconds. I get removing silence start and end, but this is faulty logic. But given the lack of empty space and the lack of pitch shift/time stretch on the signal itself, this is the only conclusion.
I believe I am having a similar issue. I put my player into debug mode and played part of a file where I heard it skipping/changing speed and uploaded the logs.
My device is also a Samsung S9. I will upload the file as well.
All the EQ is turned off. The only thing turned on is replaygain. Resetting all options under playback to default has no change.
Otherwise it’s just default playing the app through the phone speakers/headphones/android auto
It would only be system EQ. But otherwise no, I don’t really have another device.
Enabling EQ makes no change.
I also have mp3 files it’s skipping too, so it’s not just wav.
Yep, that was it. Thought I saw skip silence somewhere, that’s why I mentioned it at first. Which again leads back to why does it skip literally all silence instead of just start/end?