Playback fails when connected to network

Issue description:

When I try to play a song while connected to a network, the play button has the loading spinner permanently and doesnt play. Jellyfin dashboard shows that I am playing the file despite it not working (direct and transcode)
I have my files stored locally as 320bit but they were transcoded from the server’s flac versions. This also happens with files that aren’t cached whether I limit bitrate over the connection or not.
The only files that play are the locally cached full flac versions


Upload description: eli3090

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

connect to network
have transcoded file cached on device
play song

Media provider:




2025-01-28 21:51:02.342 Error MusicPlayer  DataSource: Error opening source (0/4/false), retrying [Response code: 500]

Your server returns errors 500 when requesting transcode, check your server logs to see why it fails and it will probably give the solution.

Sorry for the non-issue. I updated my jellyfin docker but I didn’t include the path to my music :expressionless:
However, I think you should handle the 500 error and play the local file when the server version isn’t available


Well no if Symfonium tries to play from the server it’s because you asked it too.

It have no reason to play something you did not ask it to play :slight_smile:

It shouldn’t be asking to play from the server in the first place, as I have a locally cached version of a high enough quality version (=> the bitrate limit for wifi/data settings).

Then provide proper logs showing that and of course ensure you do not have the option to prefer server version on wifi :wink:

That is what’s happening in the logs I sent considering the 500 error despite having the cached version. I may have the setting wrong but I can’t find where that is (not for lack of looking), could you point me to it?

At it’s logical place, Offline cache / media, You enabled the option always prefer server version.

Of course its where I looked a dozen times :sweat:

Love the app btw, def worth the $5 or w/e I paid.

Ig the only missing feature is a settings search cause there are so many lol.

Fun fact you can search them in the docs right here :wink:

Ya but then I have to exit your beautiful app and we wouldn’t want that would we :yum: