Playback after a phone call

Issue description:

Have one active queue.
Playback is activewith that one queue.
Make a phone call
Play back does not resume.
Click play on the now playing widget
Play back starts with a totally random different song


Upload description: Telrod11

Additional information:

In debug, initial song was Brite nitegown, when replay starts again, fooled around and fell in love


Reproduction steps:



Media provider:

Local device



Your phone kills the app as always, and then seems to take ages to restore the queue.

Will have to try to reproduce, but check again the settings to not kill the app.

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Aw man, I didn’t think to look at that. I had to reinstall Symfonium, and I didn’t take care of the Samsung battery optimization. I’ll correct, test, and report back.

Unrestricting battery didn’t really make a change.

I’m moving from the Samsung family to a Pixel this weekend, so my issue could resolve itself.

Finally :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway found a possible race so should work better on next release too.

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What good is a beta tester without a handset with lots of overhead??


Thanks for all that you do for us. We may make your life miserable, but you still have the best music app on the Play store!