Play and Pause Flickering Very Quickly

Issue description:

When I try to play a song it flickers between the play and pause button very quickly. I’m not using Bluetooth, I’m listening on phone speaker. I have the option of cache enabled to 2GB. When I try to screen record the flicker happen, then suddenly it starts playing. I have uploaded the logs hopefully it shows this has happened or I’ll try to upload a video showing it.


Upload description: Logs uploaded: playpause-flicker-AA

Additional information:

This started happening recently, there wasn’t any issue like this today morning. I tried to stop the app and then try to play but still flickers

Reproduction steps:

1.) Go to the recently added songs

2.) Click on the song ro play but it flickers play and pause rapidly

Media provider:




Try to reboot your phone and check your BT codecs and settings you’ve changed.

The AudioTrack can’t initialize with your settings (like you enabled offload so everything is handled by the phone not Symfonium)

Restarting the device has fixed the problem but when I seek the audio, it goes silent but plays. I enabled prefer internal decoder and turned off offload mode and it fixed that too. Thanks very much Tolriq :face_holding_back_tears:

You returned to the default settings where Symfonium have control :slight_smile:

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Yup, I do not trust my device from now on :joy:, I trust only symfonium