Feature description:
Suppose I search for something in the search tab and open the first result. Then I click on the playlists tab and listen to a playlist, before again going back to the search tab to search for something new. The search tab will now show the stored view of the item I had open at the start. I have to press the tab icon again in order to be able to search. If I scrolled down at the start, I have to press the icon twice (because the first press will scroll to the top).
I propose to add a toggle to make it return to the default location whenever I press to switch to any tab. So in the above example, switching back to the search tab would immediately show the search bar again, regardless of where I left it.
Problem solved:
When switching to a different tab, I am often confused because I don’t see what I was expecting to find there. For instance, when I click on the playlists tab, I expect to see the playlists, not some album I was browsing before.
Brought benefits:
More predictable behavior for users who use the music player on the go
Other application solutions:
Not every music player works this way. I think soundcloud might store tab locations, while spotify always returns to the default location on press. Either way, it would be nice to have the option to configure this.
Additional description and context:
Screenshots / Mockup: