Option to hide Genre tags that appear beneath Artists

Feature description:

Hello, when viewing the list of Artists, each one has a line beneath it with any genre tags that have been assigned to the Artist. I would simply like to have the option to remove or hide that line of genre tags

Problem solved:

While this isn’t a problem per se, I feel like having this as an option would at least allow each individual to decide if they’d like the genre displayed or not.

Brought benefits:

Having this as an option would help people who may find the original layout to be visually busy or cluttered. Therefore it would be easier on the eyes.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:

In the screenshot, I’ve pointed out with green arrows an exampe of the genre lines that I’d like to have the option to hide with a toggle in the settings.

Screenshots / Mockup:



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This is interesting, the genre info is omly listed when using “list” as the display mode.

You could switch to a grid view but you’d decrease the maximum number of viewable artists on one screen by a few IF you’re using the default grid size / settings. These can be adjusted.

I will say grid view has the proclivity to cut-off longer artist names so if this js something you’d specifically like to avoid then awaiting the final say is all thats left to do.