Open source licences

Symfonium use some open sources libraries.
You can see the list here and their respective licences.

• jmDNS: GitHub - jmdns/jmdns: Official home of the jmDNS library
• OkHttp: GitHub - square/okhttp: Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
• Moshi: GitHub - square/moshi: A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java.
• Okio: GitHub - square/okio: A modern I/O library for Android, Java, and Kotlin Multiplatform.
• NanoHTTPD: GitHub - NanoHttpd/nanohttpd: Tiny, easily embeddable HTTP server in Java.
• mmUPnP: GitHub - ohmae/mmupnp: Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) ControlPoint library for Java/Kotlin
• ExoPlayer: GitHub - google/ExoPlayer: An extensible media player for Android
• Coil: GitHub - coil-kt/coil: Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
• ComposeReorderable: GitHub - aclassen/ComposeReorderable: Enables reordering by drag and drop in Jetpack Compose (Desktop) LazyList & LazyGrid.
• Coroutines: GitHub - Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines: Library support for Kotlin coroutines
• Voyager: GitHub - adrielcafe/voyager: 🛸 A pragmatic navigation library for Jetpack Compose
• Taglib: GitHub - taglib/taglib: TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
• FFmpegKit: GitHub - arthenica/ffmpeg-kit: FFmpeg Kit for applications. Supports Android, Flutter, iOS, Linux, macOS, React Native and tvOS. Supersedes MobileFFmpeg, flutter_ffmpeg and react-native-ffmpeg.
• smbj: GitHub - hierynomus/smbj: Server Message Block (SMB2, SMB3) implementation in Java

  • Wear OS

• Horologist: GitHub - google/horologist: Horologist is a group of libraries that aim to supplement Wear OS developers with features that are commonly required by developers but not yet available.