"Online first" playlists not working

Issue description:

My playlists aren’t syncing. I just tried importing several playlists from navidrome into the player, but once added any songs I add to this playlist isn’t synced back to Navidrome, why? How do I know if the playlist is indeed “online first”? If it’s supposed to just work it isn’t working

Navidrome 0.49.3 (8b93962f)
Symfonium (11.3)


Upload description: ClamorSilk

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

I simply imported a playlist from navidrome and added songs from symfonium. I was never presented with a way to choose if it’s online first so dunno. I’m assuming they are.

Media provider:




You may read the doc and the import dialog instead of assuming :slight_smile:

By default the playlists are imported as offline first so you need to press the sync button to push the changes to the server.