Non English character artists added thumbnails being deleted

Issue description:

My issue is that local thumbnails for artists with non English characters in their artist name are being deleted. I’ve not seen any deletions for artists with English characters, but I’m experiencing a random selection of artists with Korean and Japanese characters in their names, when the app is closed (e.g. when I restart my phone which I do daily).

In this log I uploaded a number of artist images that were no longer showing (although the “remove current image” was there so the app seemed to think they still exist) and then force quit the app (because I didn’t know if restarting my phone would kill the debug setting?). When I reopened the app, many of the artist thumbnails were gone (but not all of them).

I have the persistent cache setting on.

Many thanks for the fantastic app!


Upload description: Forum name: imi Title: Non English character artist thumbnails that were manually added being deleted or not showing

Additional information:

OnePlus 14.1, Android 14

EDIT to add I’m a bit worried that my debug log didn’t properly upload. I couldn’t upload through the app (I think my username is too short?) and so went to but now see there is an error there too, so it might have not gone through. I’ll try again if you need me to!

Reproduction steps:

Click on (multiple) artists with non English characters (e.g. Korean or Japanese) in their name

Click “change local thumbnails” and add image

Restart app

Some of the local thumbnails will still show but some with not (although “remove current image” suggests the app thinks they’re still there?)

Media provider:

Local device



Can confirm there’s no logs, the file is at 0% upload.

I’ll need them or at least some with the tags of those artists to try to repro, maybe normalisation fails

Hi, thanks for the quick reply! I’ve tried again with the logs and this time it says “all files uploaded”.

Forum username: imi

Unfortunately the logs does not have the artist names.

Checked the code and while this could cause clash if multiple artists have the same number of characters and badly normalize but there’s nothing that could delete the images anywhere.

Do you use some cleanup tools on your device ?

Do you mean apps like SD Maid or whatever it’s called? No I do not. I only have whatever comes with OnePlus software by default.

I have just discovered where the thumbnails are stored and I’ve noticed the names are different to the artists that only have English characters. They are all just ----. Could this have something to do with it?

The above images files are currently visible for me in the app.

But other files I had already manually added are not visible in anywhere in this folder.

Ok so the normalization fails, but the IDs are correctly used so there’s not even clashes.

Try to add one image to one of the missing artist and see if it’s created there.

If yes and they are removed at some point then it’s OnePlus optimizer doing that :frowning:

OK, I’ve tried readding images on these artists, while watching this folder.

It creates a new image in the folder. But seems to delete a different artist’s image at the same time? The number of files goes down. But it’s just the Korean or Japanese artist files that are deleted, never the hundreds of English artists I have.

Could OnePlus be doing this even when Synfonium is still open? It looks to me that the files are being deleted while the app is still open, but then next time the app is restarted is when I noticed they’re gone and no longer visible.

Symfonium never deletes there.

So yes it can be OnePlus check file sizes or maybe all those are at the start and it’s where it deletes first.

And Symfonium have memory cache for images too so as long at the mem cache is not filled the images are still visible even if deleted from disk.

Thanks for your help then! I’ll try and do some research into how I can stop OnePlus from doing this. I’ve checked my settings and Synfonium is selected as “Don’t Optimise” but we all know that might not mean anything.

Worst case scenario I might need to change my tags to the English translations :joy::joy:

I don’t think that would change anything, try to create fake artists named — and ---- and see what happens.

OK! I’ll give that a go tomorrow and let you know what happens.

I’m also now backing up the PNG files as they’re creatrd in this folder and I’m going to try pasting them back in using my laptop (as I don’t think I can paste back here using my phone)

Sorry for the double post, but a quick update. Backing up the images and then pasting them back into the folder seems to work! So at least I know I can do that as a workaround, whenever they disappear.

I’ll make some tracks with artist names ---- like you said later, but don’t have the time right this moment.

Glad I at least know what’s going on now but still need to continue troubleshooting later.

After a weekend of testing, here is what I think I know (might not be 100% accurate because the deletions appear to be random each time, so it could just be chance that a particular artist’s image didn’t happen during my testing, but may happen another time):

  • The deletions affect artists with ONLY Korean and Japanese characters in the artist name and album artist name. It doesn’t seem to happen with a mixture of Korean/Japanese characters + English. It doesn’t seem to happen with names that include any punctuation, Russian letters or of course English.
  • Artist name — and ---- seem to be affected, although I only got it to trigger once, but like I said above that could just be chance.
  • The deletions only happen when adding/changing artist thumbnail to an affected artist. It’s random what other artist loses their photo in this moment. But fortunately now I’ve finished setting up my library, I shouldn’t experience these deletions again as it takes adding/changing a thumbnail to trigger the deletions.
  • Backing up the “cached_thumbnails” folder and then after a deletion pasting the missing images back into the folder works, and the images are now visible again in the app.

Hope that helps anyone else who may have this problem!

This does not make any sense from how the code works but well :slight_smile:

In all cases the filenames will be different in the next release to avoid the strange things your device seems to do.

Thanks, Tolriq. I’m sure that whatever is happening here isn’t to do with your code (it’s just so strange!!), but that’s great that you’ll be changing the filenames and hopefully that will completely fix it. Thanks once again for the fantastic app.