Thank you for the recent update with the includion of the ‘Share file’ option to share local device files to other apps. After extensive testing via: tapping share file, selecting the app (AutomaTag, quick share, solid explorer, Gmail, messanger, WhatsApp, google drive) nothing happens, also tried sharing with other apps avialalbe and no result. Also just wondering if you are able to add the ability to delete local files in the future?
I just received an error uploading logs due to it exceeding 100mb, unsure what to do next
Sorry missed this part.
I go to the song → press the 3 dots → click “Share file”
→ Signal, Whatsapp, Nextcloud
→ direct message contact for Signal, Whatsapp
The share menu closes itself without opening the selected app.
Now the file sharing works for the local provider.
Question: is the file share option only available for the local provider?
If i use Webdav as provider i don’t get the share option. (even i the file is cached.)
This is my same issue. I have conducted a backup, removed local source, then restored backup. Not sure how else to do it withouht loosing all of my playlists.
Edit: It seems to be working now however a side note i have lost all of my favourited albums and favourited artists being shown on the home page. Can this be added to the backupfiles in future to ensure they are restored?