I have multiple albums called “Greatest Hits” by different artists.
Symphonium has combined all of these albums into one big mega-album, which means there is only one “Greatest Hits” album in my album list. Also, all songs from any of these albums have Gorillaz artwork (first alphabetically), even though they each have their own individual embedded artworks.
Please make it so albums are grouped by “Album” and “Album Artist” tags. Not just “Album” tags. Thanks
Depending on the size you can upload them here via PM or on one of the many website for upload.
From the logs I do see that Symfonium add 2 “Greatest Hits” albums. So be sure to upload 2 songs that ends up in the same album and not in the 2 differents.
Hello! I’m experiencing this issue as well - two albums named Greatest Hits have been merged into one (one by Bruce Springsteen, the other by Red Hot Chili Peppers). My files are stored with Google Drive. I’ve uploaded my logs. Please let me know if you need to see anything else. Thanks!