Feature description:
When multiple playlists are selected, 2 buttons (in addition to the current “add to favorites” and “delete”) will show up. One button to add only the songs that are in both/all playlists, and one button to add the songs in both/all playlists without duplicates. For icons I was thinking using filled in venn diagrams would work great. This feature would also work great for genres.
Problem solved:
When shuffling multiple playlists together, songs in both playlists are duplicated.
Brought benefits:
Easier creation of more custom queues based on what the user wants to play.
Other application solutions:
Additional description and context:
I use playlists for ratings and for moods, this would let me play, for example, all songs in the “calm” playlist and in the “4⭐️+” playlist. If people use genres, adding this feature there would enable people to mix genres to more accurately fit their current mood/preference. Note, there is a add to queue button on the genres page, but not on the playlists page (when selecting multiple). Another solution is to just default to removing duplicates (when the add to queue button is pressed), and only add the button for songs in both playlists. This is technically possible with smart playlists, but it doesn’t offer the ease of one off queue creation, and bulks up the playlists section with potentially unnecessary smart playlists.
Screenshots / Mockup: