Feature description:
I’m new to this app, and trying to customize it to my liking. One thing I couldn’t figure out is how to have more information visible in playlists. In the “Media lists” settings page I see only two “additional track information”. It would be good to have the option to add more here, at the expense of making it more cluttered. But if it’s optional, there are no downsides? Since there seems to be room for two rows of info, maybe arrange the info in a tiny 2x2 grid where there’s now a “2x1 grid”?
Problem solved:
There might be a lot more information that you want to quickly see at a glance, and two pieces is very little.
Brought benefits:
Track duration feels like a given to have, but personally I’d also like to see user rating and playcount. When trying to find songs I might like to play, I feel like these two help a lot. I use the user rating to categorize songs according to how often or likely I am to be in the mood of playing that song, with 5 being so good that it can be played at any time. Playcount helps me find songs I might not have listened to as much, or almost not at all, so I don’t fall into the habit of always listening to the same songs over and over. This is three pieces of info, but right now I have to choose two of them.
Other application solutions:
In the past at least Winamp allowed you to have the duration and playcount to the right, and the list of user rating stars on the left closer to the song title. But I think they can all be on the right side as well, either in a grid of two rows and more than one column, but even three rows could be possible if the user is ok with not having the playinst be as compact as it is now.
Additional description and context:
Screenshots / Mockup: