Ⅰ Home page like this type. I remove the Library page, in Shortcut you can find the majority of useful items, it just my habit.
Ⅰ-1 All you can see in the Home page in this list.
Ⅱ Now playing screens I just set Expanded player (Portrait), it is the one of graetest feature of my theme.
Left is two line comment, right is one line comment.
If there is no comment.
Ⅱ-1 String1-6
1- %claentitle% -----------without track numbers.
2- %album% -----------It looks the same as the default Settings.
3- {%composer|composer!=artist% • }%artist% --------If there are composers, it will show.
4- %comment% -----------You can custom it by edit the music tag. (exemple by AIMP)
5- Codec and bitrate/quality -----------It’s intuitive and obvious.
(5- can be changed to “%format.codec% • %format.bitandsample% • %format.bitrate%”) -----------I don’t know why, actually it doesn’t work.
6- %genre% • %year% • ★%userrating% -----------Some additional information
Ⅱ-2 I custom the Top Bar, you can see the sample in the image.
Ⅲ In order to ensure the best use effect, I have made the setting in “Theme, font and colors” like this.
This themes is more situable for these people, if you like Generes"JPop, Anime, Vocaloid", and you own the music album bought from mora.Then do not case add extra tags for music by AIMP or other applications, have a large music library on your local device.
Thanks for reading.
1.Appplication Style
Moonlight-Ani.json (42.6 KB)