Media Providers Dissapear

Issue description:

I just got a new Hiby M300 dap, set it up just like my Pixel 9 which works great. I added Navidrome and Emby as media providers. I noticed a couple days later when I tried to search something nothing came up, it just sat there. When I loaded album/artists nothing came up. Went to the settings and both my providers were gone, (local was gone from the list as well).

But I could go to the home page and select something that was not cached and it will still play. When I do this the media providers re-appear in the settings. I have tried to show this in the logs (I sent two)
First was from a clean start (phone rebooted), opened app, tried to search, got nothing, went to settings and providers are gone
Second log, opened an uncached album from home screen, played fine, went to settings and providers are there.

I also noticed while trying to troubleshot that while I was trying to download some songs for offline listening they were stalled when I was having issues. Pressing resume would not do anything (I didn’t log this)


Upload description: lightsout_hiby, lightsout_hiby2

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

Reboot phone
open app
search for artist (nothing happens)
go to media provider settings (list is blank)
play an uncached song that can be found on home screen
go to media provider settings (list is populated again)

Media provider:




Sounds like there’s an issue with the database on that device.

Only explanation is just that when using search it’s insanely slow so lock all theads on the db, and you recover only because the queries ends.

Many queries that should take a couple of ms takes 20+ seconds on your device.

You can go Settings/Advanced settings/cleanup internal states, that will force some rebuild of the database that may fix this. (Wait at least 1 or 2 minute after using that seeing how it’s slow).

If it still occurs then check the storage performance / status of the device.

Thanks for the reply, one thing I remembered was that I changed from internal storage to the SD card after I was already downloading some offline files. I did think after that it said something about the database so I just wiped everything and started over. So far so good.