Lyrics scroll position inconsistent

Issue description:

  • From the expanded now playing screen open the lyrics view
  • scroll down
  • return to now playing screen by swiping left or by pressing the “close” button
  • re-open the lyrics view

The scroll position is being reset to the top of the lyrics, but it rather should keep the previous position while still playing the same song.

Possibly related:

  • open the lyrics view
  • scroll down
  • wait for the next song to be played.

Now the scroll position is NOT being reset, it stays at the bottom when it should show the new song’s lyrics from the beginning.


Upload description: Snaptags

Additional information:

The second issue only happens when the player starts the next song itself, when pressing the “next track” button the scroll position is properly reset.
My songs have embedded unsynced lyrics.

Reproduction steps:

See above.

Media provider:

Local device and/or Kodi
