I was browsing the “Manage offline files” section of the app settings and noticed two tracks that were in the rolling cache, but these are local tracks saved to my device.
Upload description: [kangjj] Local files in rolling cache
Additional information:
The bug doesn’t happen all the time so I’m not sure what causes certain tracks to be cached.
Reproduction steps:
To reproduce, just use the app normally. One or two local tracks will eventually appear in the rolling cache.
Not doing anything out of the ordinary… I only play files from my phone or from Google Drive, no casting. To reproduce the bug for the log, I merely played a bunch of local files.
@gamebeaker obviously unrelated, you can delete from cache from that screen.
@kangjj I can’t reproduce, something probably happens before
Can you try to remove those files from the rolling cache, clear playback cache, force kill the app. Enable logs and try to capture this ?
@Tolriq i just found a new file in my cache that wasn’t there before.
The last time i played this file was in my uploaded log for Upnp sometimes async - #2 by Tolriq
so the caching should be in the log file: gamebeaker_upnp_sync3 for the track “Sham Pain”.