List view in file source favorites

Feature description:

Thanks for great app!
I use the Files page all the time to find all the well-organized media I have on my phone.
The favorites on this page are shown as grid. If you have many favorites, you have to scroll to the right before selecting the folder.

Problem solved:

I love the list view. It gives a lot of information in compact form.
This would solve the problem of unnecessary searching and scrolling.

Brought benefits:

List view should be an option in all pages / functions.
This will make the use more fluent and fast.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:

I took a screenshot of the page.
It shows the half folders, indicating the need of scrolling.
There is plenty of space on this page for a long list of folders on this page.


Screenshots / Mockup:



Not sure how many directories you have so im not totally sure this is feasible for you but you could create filters from the Tracks view of the app.

This way youd get the list view by default & honestly you may even be able to navigate the different directories faster than you do now.

Youd essentially just tap a filter & it would show only tracks that match your filter instantly just filter by “path and file”