License does not work with Jolla

Issue description:

Jolla Sailfish has android apps support and everything works pretty nice, except Symfonium license. As we dont have google play store installed, but instead open software microg F-Droid repository - microG Project
So I have paid this license, but can´t get it to work with restore or other ways.
It would be nice, if there could be two versions like tunein-radio has, only paid users can download pro-version…


Upload description: log.txt

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

ID:s of my two jolla phones attached. my google account is ----

Media provider:



Do not put your private information in a public post.

Anyway this is normal and documented and there’s a workaround but no migration between the licenses.

You need to get a refund from your Google account then see How can I pay for symfonium without google play? - #2 by Tolriq

And do not forget to fix the Play Store comment :wink: