I’m trying to see if Symfonium is a viable alternative to Roon. I have around 180,000 tracks across 13,000 albums and/or 4,000 artists. Everything is stored locally in my house on a NAS. I don’t subscribe to any online services and I don’t have any of my music in cloud storage.
I’ve installed the latest version on my Pixel 8 and set up SMB with the proper credentials. Symfonium seems to stop scanning files between 15,000 and 30,000 files for the last hour or so. Always starting over at zero.
Should I be using something else to connect to my local files? Any best practices or lessons learned for large libraries?
Thanks for the quick reply. I was going to submit a support ticket but ran into the log requirement. I read up on how to do that and changed the settings to produce the logs. Posed this message while waiting for it “break” again as I figured I could not be the first person with a large library.
I’m unfamiliar with Navidrome or LMS (beyond having Squeezebox products long ago). I 'll have to get smart on how to set that up locally. I’m running my NAS on a QNAP device and help/suggestions based on that?
Pardon my ignorance, but please tell me if I have the basic idea straight.
I started looking at Nividrome and noticed they have a demo site. I went to Symfonium setting to add a new Media Provider but did not see anything like Navidrome, but did see Subsonic (something else I don’t know anything about). So I put the demo Navidrome info into the Subsonic provider and seem to be getting somewhere.
Would the idea be to install and configure Navidrome on my Qnap NAS (possibly in a container) then point Symfonium at my locally running Navidrome via Subsonic and I might possibly see all my music in your app???
Well, after lots of trial and error and endless searching I believe I have Navidrome configured in a container. I copied one artist into the /music directory and it seems to be processed.
I realize this is not a Navidrome support site, but any help greatly appreciated.
I’m trying to figure out how to access Navidrome in a web browser so I can configure Symfonium with Subsonic as outlined above. I can’t find the IP address or URL for Navidrome. I’ve tried:
and if you look at the screen shot below it says Navidrom is ready on
I’ve also tried the IP address that my QNAP NAS web app and port 4533
None of those work. Any pointers on how to access Navidrome locally once it is up and running?
One more question for the beginner. In Symfonium I see a lot of Upnp devices and Chromecast devices that it looks like I could play back the music via Symfonium.
I don’t see my main music system’s DAC that I do in Roon. Currently I use Roon via USB from a RPi 4 device running Ropieee. Am I correct that I need to get something on my RPiee that Symfonium can see in order to push my networked NAS music to that DAC? If that is correct any suggestions on what to use?
You can even do synced multiroom via Upnp from Symfonium.
I use Raspberry Pis with HiFiBerry DACs to cast to 10-40 year old amps via upmpdcli and mpd. Works gapless and without issues. Or when I want multiple pis to play the same in sync, I cast to a Snapserver instance that in turn makes a connected Pis play the same in sync. Since neither upmpdcli/mpd or snapclient hog the audio device, both can run on the same pis and you can switch between casting to a single pi or casting to multiple.
I’ve written an Ansible playbook to deploy, fully configure and maintain such Pis in bulk.
Thanks. My RPis are running Ropieee, they needed a configuration tweak to make them show up.
I seen to be making progress now. Reconfigured the NAS Container to map the /music location in Navidrome to see my standard 16/44 music. But no HighRez yet.
Anyone know if Navidrome can have multiple music directories/locations? My music is split on to two different volumes on my NAS.
Navidrome does not support multiple folders and library yet I hope @deluan does it before the new UI.
With that said you can easily create another folder and symlink as many other folders there. You’ll just lose the library quick filtering but will have all files.
It’s the Unix version of a shortcut, not sure how to do it in the web UI of your specific NAS (but likely an option in the right-click menu). In the command line you would type ln -s /path/to/folder/with/music /path/to/folder/you/want/the/link/to/be/in/
You’re on the right track. Navidrome is the backend server I settled on as well, and have been very happy with it + Symfonium.
Also, means it is available on all network interfaces that your NAS has running. So, yes <NAS IP>:<port>, which you figured out eventually