Jellyfin tags and collections become conjoined

Issue description:

I’ve recently added tags to several artists in Jellyfin, and noticed that when I add tags to artists in collections, the collection name and tags become conjoined in Symphonium. this might apply to albums too, but I haven’t tested this yet. (albums can also be added to collections, but tracks cannot)


Upload description: UltimateRiff

Additional information:

in the screenshots, “virtual band” and “vtuber” are tags, and “K-ON!”, “Bocchi the Rock!”, and “hololive” are collections

Reproduction steps:


  1. in Jellyfin, add an artist to a collection and also add a tag to the same artist
  2. sync Symphonium with Jellyfin
  3. check the artist page or artist tags view and see the conjoined tags

Media provider:





also haven’t tested with multiple collections, but multiple tags works just fine. my “virtual synthesizer” tag is on several artists with other tags (UTAU and Vocaloid, for instance), and those are properly split

Thanks will be fixed in next release.

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also just confirmed that it only happens to one pair of tags and collections. I’ve got Jellyfin collections x and y and tag z, and in Symphonium it shows as tags x, and yz. prolly just a missing multi value seperator