I have a speaker connected to a Pi running upmpdcli which is providing a UPnP AV renderer. In symfonium I have connected to navidrome (subsonic) and I trying to cast to the Pi. It seems to work for the most part and I really love the UI. But any time I touch the volume controls the it jumps to 100% and then moves around wildly before settling at some seemingly random value. When I try to change the volume using another app such as bubble upnp or Dsub then the volume control seems to work fine. But having to use a separate app to control the volume is far from ideal and I would love to identify the issue/solution so I can just use symfonium. There is nothing else running on the Pi so if upmpdcli is the issue I’m happy to try something else.
I don’t think that there is much special about upmpdcli volume control, a problem is always possible, but the most likely cause, as you mention, would be another UPnP or MPD client.
I had closed all other tasks on my phone including background tasks when collecting the logs. There also shouldn’t be anything else connected to mpd because that’s all I put on the pi