Internet radio metadata in the correct fields

Feature description:

it would be nice to have Symfonium display the artist data in the artist field instead of the radio name, for scrobbling purposes. this could be a toggle, because i can see value in having the radio name visible as well if you’re not scrobbling.

Problem solved:

currently i am having to fiddle with regex in Pano Scrobbler, and official app scrobbling doesnt work at all for internet radio on Symfonium.

Brought benefits:

more of a streamlined experience with liking and saving songs without having to actually implement that into symfonium; less accidental garbage scrobbling

thank you for your consideration :slight_smile:

Most radios do not properly expose the artist data and it’s just a raw title string having both.

Please provide logs and the urls of the radio you use to confirm what they do.

ah, i see. that makes sense.
im uploading logs now, heres the urls of some my radios that provide metadata:

BitRadio -

Daybreak Star Radio -

glorpcore radio -

Soma FM Digitalis -

There’s no logs but as expected took one in random and :

ICY: title="Amanda Rheaume  -  I Won't Hide", url="null", rawMetadata.length="46"

They send all in title.

thanks for taking a look.
turned out the logs were too large, idk how they always end up that way for me :stuck_out_tongue:
(and i missed the error message abt it, my bad.)