Issue description:
Hello, I’m running into an issue where I will play some songs, say the queue has song A, B, and C in it. The song info for the currently playing song will show song A, but the actual audio will be song B. If I hit the “next song” button, the song info for the currently playing song will show song B, and the audio for song B will play. If I go back to song A via the “previous song” button, then the song info will show song A, and song A will play.
I’ve had this happen both at the start of the queue, as well as at random spots in the queue
Upload description: ULJgN
Additional information:
I know for the logs I submitted, the song was already in the offline cache. But it might have happened for songs that weren’t in the cache, I’m not sure
Reproduction steps:
In the case for the logs I submitted:
- Press song mix on home page
- first song will show info, but the audio of the second song will play
Media provider: