Issue description:
Hello Tolriq,
I just uploaded my log containing the issue with heart ratings.
I have also shared a screen recording with a detailed explanation of the problem. Hopefully, this makes it easier for you to understand.
Additionally, I’ll try to describe the issue in words:
A couple of months ago, I started giving heart ratings to tracks I like and created a smart playlist with the condition Favorite is true. However, I recently noticed that this playlist is almost empty.
Two months ago, I made a backup of this smart playlist, which contained all the hearted songs at the time. Now, none of the songs in that backup playlist have heart ratings anymore.
Here are my observations:
- Some songs, when selecting the three-dot menu on the right side, display the following options:
View details
Go to album
Add to favorites
Add to playlist, etc.
- Other songs, when selecting the three-dot menu, only show these options:
Play next
Add to playing queue
When I batch-select songs in the backup playlist and apply “Rate with heart,” only the tracks with the limited options (2) receive a heart. The ones with the complete options (1) do not.
Tracks with (2) that are marked as Favorite do not appear in the smart playlist Favorite is true.
Tracks with (1) do appear in the smart playlist Favorite is true.
Tracks with (2) cannot be found using the search function.
Tracks with (1) can be found using the search function.
All songs are hosted in my Google Drive.
If you need any further details, please let me know.
Thank you so much for your help!
Best regards,
Upload description:
Additional information:
Reproduction steps:
Media provider:
Google Drive