Home button set next to filter button when no navigation bar

Feature description:

If navigation bar is hidden, the Home button should auto show next to filter button in top right corner of the screen ( just as the settings button do).

Problem solved:

If navigation bar is hidden, then no home button is reachable.
So after navigating in many pages ( e.g: many artists pages) there is no way to go back quickly to home screen : You have to press back button a lot of time in order to reach home page.

Brought benefits:

With an Home button auto set next to filter button, when no navigation bar is visible, you could reach the Home page in an instant, without having to press the back button many time to go back to Home screen.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


Thank You very much for having taking my request in account and for its very fast implementation in a new version.

Thank you !!