Give more info on "background tasks"

Feature description:

If there is a notification from Symfonium i would find it informative if it would say what’s it doing.
If i cast music it just says “background tasks” i would like something like “Casting music to <upnp player name>”

During scanning of the library display something like “scanning file tags” like it is shown in filter menu (maybe even with the same progress counter i guess this could be a slow down if it gets updated a lot) etc.

Problem solved:

I try not to kill apps if they are doing something to prevent bugs and errors it would be nice to know if i am interrupting a scan, download etc. or if it is just the message for music casting.

Brought benefits:

More information from outside the app.

Not really possible, the notification is just here because it’s forced by Google, it’s all in a specific channel to be easily hidden.

All services share the same and would override each other’s, rewriting to change would mean a lot more simultaneous notifications.