Feature description:
- Add more playlist sort options. For example, my preferred ways to sort playlists are:
- Date created
- Date modified
- Rating
- Year
- Playlist order (the original order of the tracks in the playlist file)
- Support an option to sort ALL playlists the same way.
Problem solved:
- Unable to consume playlists in preferred sort orders.
- Unable to quickly change how all playlists are sorted by default.
Brought benefits:
- Consume my playlists in preferred sort orders.
- Quickly change how all playlists are sorted by default.
Other application solutions:
Supporting more sorting metadata, and supporting sort orders for all playlists (or even global sorting defaults for tracks, regardless of the context in which they are being viewed).
Additional description and context:
Playlists are such a powerful way to customize a user’s personally preferred ways of consuming and understanding a music library. These additions would come closer to parity with other powerful solutions that users may have been historically taking advantage of and become accustomed to.
Screenshots / Mockup: