Feature description:
I’ve noticed the Record Label Tag must match across an album to appear in symfonium. Not that this is incorrect but I’ve come across a number of albums where a single from the album has more Record Labels in association with it than the others. I’d like for symfonium to sort of gather these tags on the album about page similar to the way album tags, genres & languages are handled.
Problem solved:
Not so much of a problem but it can be helpful
Brought benefits:
Tracks that have more Labels / companies attached can be tagged as such without needing to tag the entire album with those same companies to get them to appear in the app.
Other application solutions:
Additional description and context:
This change could also help with filtering at the track level. Currently the user would need to add every Record Label from all the tracks to the Record Label tag, filtering by Record Label in this instance could potentially give incorrect results.
Screenshots / Mockup: