Downloaded media not available when not connected to server

Issue description:

When I download media to offline cache (not selecting export option), it does not show up when not connected to the server (I have it set to only connect to the server on wifi, so this is happening whenever I end up on cellular data).


Upload description: james5272noofflinemedia

Additional information:

The only media I have downloaded for testing purposes is from the artist James Hartman, if that helps anything when looking through logs.

Reproduction steps:


  • download media to offline cache

  • have server set to only connect when on wifi

  • switch phone to cellular data

  • no offline media available

Media provider:





Click the top right filter and uncheck the option Hide unavailable providers ?:slight_smile:

lulz, that seems to have fixed it. Thanks! I am guessing this is also why I wasn’t seeing downloaded media when the server’s IP changed.

Well yes probably :slight_smile: The option is off by default and does what it says, if the server is not available it hide it’s content, cached or not. So all works as intended.

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I think I turned it on way back when I first installed the app. Maybe I thought it would hide online media, but the obvious option for that is right there, so… not sure what my thought process was. Anyway, I have a note now to always leave it off, lol.