Curent list based quese

Feature description:

When ever you play songs either from the playlist, search results, album or the all songs tab. generate and load all the songs in the list as they are and don’t shuffle them to allow for a smooth and hands-free listening experience.

Problem solved:

The auto generated queue which spawns overtime you play a song. Which prevents you from listening to your nitty organized music. Instead it just mixes songs. forcing you to select every song one by one.

Brought benefits:

Allows for a generally smoother listening experience as every song on you list will be played according to it’s position on the list. the queue will be generated to look like the list which is being played at that time. With every next songs as sorted on the list.

Other application solutions:

Musicolet and poweramp have soved it. When ever you search or select any song. The app will recognize the queue list to be sorted exactly as the list of origin where the song was picked. Allowing you to press the next/prev buttons without having to worry about losing every great song on your up next list because of auto queue and reshuffle

Additional description and context:

Aditionaly the list where you selected the song should stay the same even when it is generated into being a queue. As listening to a song till the end and then all of a suddenly heaving the player literally junp from that point to a song that’s a hundred and three songs away from the one you were listening too is quite a bummer. And really gets you out of the mood

Screenshots / Mockup:


Don’t use chat gpt for request. And it’s already the default behavior so not sure what you are talking about.

You probably changed the default song click action to no queue and enabled continuous playback.

Continuous playback if off but the are no songs on the queue. The only song left is the one that being played

Please properly document your issue with screenshots and logs.

So as said

Restore the setting to the default value.