Continuous playback of the same artist

Feature description:

When continuous playback is turned on, I would like it to play the same artist (for instance if a single album was played) instead of the same genre. (Server is navidrome.)

Problem solved:

When utilizing continuous playback, even though it chooses the same genre, sometimes the music is quite different and doesn’t flow very well.

Brought benefits:

It queues up the same artist which would be the same music one was already listening to.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


When connected to Navidrome the continuous playback uses the server similar tracks features.

Same artist would not always ensure the same kind of music and this does not really works for most of the cases where you play music from different artists.

I can’t really think of an option that would say only queue same artist if last played was a single album from a single artist, this is too restrictive and work to maintain for a very specific case.

I see. I knew another app did this but couldn’t remember which one but it is plexamp.

Well they still do not support multiple artists by song / albums since all those years.