Composer "Nothing to Display Message" when visiting from More Actions Menu

Issue description:

When I try to visit a composer from the “more actions menu” 3 dots I keep getting the “nothing to display” message, This does not happen if I try to visit the same composer from the composers section, everything is functioning as expected.


Upload description: COMPOSER (Sometimes)

Additional information:

In the files I’ve shared the “composers” are actually samples or interpolations
ₛJanuary 28th by J. Cole
ₛIntro by J. Cole
I’m currently jerry-rigging the composer tags so that I can use them to find any tracks in the library that sample or interpolate the same audio. This also lets me quickly jump to a “page” that holds every version of any particular song in my library

I am no doubt using the field in a manner that is absurd HOWEVER, if this could be fixed I’d greatly appreciate it.

A part of me hopes there is a simple setting i’m overlooking

Reproduction steps:

After Tagging the files in MP3 tag I copied those files over to my android device. My first thought was the usage of special characters or the “return” may have been my demise but in screenshot 2 you can see that the app IS able to parse the info perfectly.

I played with toggling the SKIP artist details but no matter what setting it is on the results remain the same. Trying to reach the composer via the 3dots yields nothing.

SIDE NOTE: I Must Say, you’ve outdone yourself with this last update. CHEF’S KISS - THANK YOU!!

Media provider:

Local device




Essentially from:

  • Album view (when viewing an album)
  • Track View (viewing tracks from library shortcut)
  • Queue
    hitting the 3 dots to get to a composer works flawlessly.

The story is different when hitting the 3 dots in the Now Playing View / Screen

Screen Recording Uploaded with description

Loving the new V12 update!

Putting this here instead of creating a new one as the issue is the same so im not sure you’d want a duplicate.

With the new update we can add “composers” as as a string template click action

Unfortunately the “Nothing to Display” issue is present when using “Go to Composers” as a click action. (This for me seems to only be the case with more than 1 composer)