Ok so your server returns strange data here 
When asking for the albums it returns only 1 result for Are we too Late for the Trend?
with id 22488678
"id": "22488678",
"parent": "2045502",
"title": "Are we too Late for the Trend?",
"album": "Are we too Late for the Trend?",
"name": "Are we too Late for the Trend?",
"artist": "Bangkok Impact",
"artistId": "2045502",
"isDir": true,
"duration": 1563,
"songCount": 5,
"coverArt": "22485070",
"created": "2022-11-20T08:43:21",
"starred": "2022-11-20T08:43:21",
"year": 2003
When asking for the songs of that album it returns:
"id": "22488913",
"parent": "22488678",
"title": "Pop",
"artist": "Bangkok Impact",
"artistId": "2045502",
"album": "Are we too Late for the Trend?",
"albumId": "22488678",
"id": "22485085",
"parent": "22485069",
"title": "Tsjupa tsjupa",
"artist": "Mr. Clavio",
"artistId": "22389327",
"album": "Are we too Late for the Trend?",
"albumId": "22485069",
"id": "22488915",
"parent": "22488914",
"title": "No one Puts Baby in the Corner",
"artist": "Red White Rose",
"artistId": "22488916",
"album": "Are we too Late for the Trend?",
"albumId": "22488914",
See that the albumId is different for every songs, preventing the proper allocation of the songs to the album.
Since you have configured the app to use the Compatibility mode (probably no choice on that server) then I can mostly workaround and ignore the data and use the one I used to query, but there’s something wrong with that server that might worth reporting to them. (Maybe they can also fix the need to use compatibility mode)
TL;DR: Your server returns invalid data but as long as you use Compatibility mode I’ll be able to workaround it.