Click to play a song in SmartList sometimes jump to the first song

Issue description:

This only happens on versions after 11.1.0B (11.0.0 is fine).
Usually when I click to play a song in a Smartlist, all the song in the list will be queued, and it will play from the song I clicked.
After update, when I click to play a song in a Smartlist again, there is a 50% chance it will play from the first song in the list instead.


Upload description: frozen2077

Additional information:

Only happens after 11.1.0B (11.0.0 is ok)

Reproduction steps:

Click the 4th song in the smartplaylist, click the 4th again.
50% chance jumps to the 1st song in the list.

Media provider:





Looks like Skipping to last element in queue after unlocking - #12 by musenjmik but in the oposite direction :frowning:

There’s quite a few Pager issues opened on Compose and the guy in charge seems MIA.

Anyway the workaround applied for the other issue will workaround this too, so should be more or less ok for next release.

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